“When I say Trev’s back I mean it now more than ever.”
Every other one of my posts on this site – and my own blog for that matter – seems to focus on or mention Trev Rich. It can hardly be considered a bad thing, bearing in mind that milehimusic.com was created to give spotlight on Colorado’s hottest talents because as far as I’m concerned Trev epitomises that very goal. Not only do I believe he is the hottest musician coming out of Colorado right now, he’s a permanent name in any of my top five lists – dead or alive. So it is an absolute honour that since taking up blogging almost a year ago, that I now have the chance to consistently conversate with someone I consider an inspiration; In the latest of our formal interviews, I interrogated Trev about his upcoming mixtape, “Heights 3“, his newly found relationship with Atlantic Records and what ever happened to “New Forever” which was followed by a couple of fan questions which were submitted through Twitter.
Hello Trev, thanks for agreeing to another interview with me. How are you and what have you been up to over the summer?
Trev Rich: All work no play type of summer. It’s been pretty wild musically a lot has happened in my life in which I don’t want to spoil for the tape. I’ve been great though. Couple ups and downs but that’s life.
Trev: Yes my portion of the recording is done! Finally it didn’t take that long to get back in a zone after a little while so the process was a lot easier this time.
Trev: I’ve heard some pretty dope projects this year. A lot of dope production as well as substance but when I say Trev’s back I mean it now more than ever. I risked it all with this project.
Trev: H3 getting everything ready I’ve skimmed through a couple other projects that dropped as well. I’m confident in 3. Very.
Trev: I feel like a lot of my fans love the emo style I offer. The poetic Trev. They haven’t really got to see another side of me that much. This project shows my versatility more than any other. I talk about it all.
Trev: Going back to the last question I know what my loyal fans want and I expect “Pain” and “Migraines” to make a lot of noise this time around. Also “Old Thing” which has a familiar twist to it.
Trev: I love them all! I can’t pick a favorite they all mean something different to me but equally special. I didn’t want any fillers so I went the extra mile to make sure none of the tracks could be considered such.
Trev: Me and Bro are always hard at work I’ve been working on 3 and he’s been working on Descendre 2, so somewhere in the middle we’ll meet and make magic. Like always.
Trev: Yes, on a track called “Cocaine.” Which is geared towards the women but the fellas will understand just as much. I tend to do this a lot but always different and better than the last in my opinion.
Trev: I’m not telling yet. When the official track list drops you’ll see. There are a couple features still in the works so depending on those I’ll put it out there very soon.
Trev: Not a chance. We got two weeks left and when we start to push all the dominoes will fall around the same time. You’ll see very soon.
Trev: It’s still in the beginning stages so I can’t really discuss too much but much love to the entire Atlantic and APG staff. I look at them like family now.
Trev: If I said that you’d know who I’ve written for [Laughs]. Having absolutely nothing to do with my writing opportunity I’d love to work with Kanye West. And a close second Adele.
Trev: I’m still a new artist. A lot goes into an album that I just wasn’t ready for yet. I’m getting to that point though. The album is still in the works as well.
Trev: You guys are ruining all of the surprises. You can say that but, I won’t tell you the story I’ll see if you guys can catch on to it first.
Trev: Be very observant. Then think of a second way to look at everything. Then a third. From people to words to situations. Then the bars will surface.
Trev: Trev Back!